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Bitcoin at a record high – level 1

by 꾸준함이무기다 2024. 3. 11.



Bitcoin at a record high – level 1 - News in Levels

08-03-2024 15:00 Bitcoin goes up a lot. But then it goes down again. People put money into it. They think that interest rates will go down. Bitcoin



비트코인 살껄껄껄껄껄껄껄껄껄껄껄.....

Bitcoin goes up a lot. But then it goes down again. People put money into it. They think that interest rates will go down.

Bitcoin reaches 69,202 dollars. It is higher than before. The previous highest point is in November 2021. More people get interested in Bitcoin after some groups say that it is okay to buy it. Some companies also buy bitcoin.

Other crypto coins like ether are not as high. The situation is changing quickly. We do not know how much bitcoin will be in the future.


interest rate (how much banks charge for lending money), 

reach (to get to a point), 

previous (the one before).
