분류 전체보기127 10 Must-Have Health and Wellness Products to Boost Your Well-being Introduction: The Importance of Wellness Wellness is a term that has been gaining popularity in recent years, but what does it really mean? In simple terms, wellness refers to the state of being in good physical and mental health. It encompasses not just the absence of illness or disease, but also a sense of overall well-being and vitality. With our hectic modern lifestyles, it's easy to neglect.. 2023. 12. 29. Decoding Marketing: 15 Real-World Examples & Their Impact on Businesses Understanding Marketing: A Basic Overview Marketing is a fundamental aspect of any business. It involves various strategies and techniques to promote products or services, engage customers, and ultimately drive sales. In this section, we will delve into the basics of marketing and explore why it is essential for businesses. What is Marketing? At its core, marketing refers to the activities under.. 2023. 12. 25. 15 Marketing Strategies That Will Skyrocket Your Business Introduction: The Power of Marketing Marketing is not just a buzzword; it is the lifeline of any successful business. It has the power to create awareness, engage customers, build reputation, foster relationships, boost sales, and make informed decisions. In this blog post, we will explore why marketing is crucial for businesses and how it can impact your bottom line. Why is marketing important .. 2023. 12. 18. 매매복기 1 (23.12.11 ~ 23.12.15) 종목 선정, 그리고 매매 원칙 1.지수를 이기 종목을 고른다 2.시가총액이 작은건 쳐다 보지도 않는다(동전주 포함) 3.거래대금이 일정 수준 이상일것 4.기본 재무재표가 좋을것 (단타라 크게 영향을 없을듯 하다) 5.3개월 동안 100만원으로 꾸준히 거래 할것.(추가금 없이 연습) 6.매도는 기본원칙을 지킨다 (+5%, -5%) 거래 종목 내역 (23.12.11 ~ 23.12.15) 1.Posco 홀딩스 매수단가: 471,000 매도단가: 481,000 [+ 1.91% ] 2.동국산업 매수단가: 4,950 매도단가: 5,210 [ +5.03% ] 매매 복기 주가가 예상 시나리오 대로 움직이지 않고 3일차에 뚝 떨어 져서 4일차에도 하락이 나면 손절하려 했지만 4일차부터 다시 상승의 기류가 시작되어 계획대.. 2023. 12. 15. 이전 1 ··· 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ··· 32 다음