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China solar ban – level 1

by 꾸준함이무기다 2024. 2. 5.



China solar ban – level 1 - News in Levels

08-02-2023 15:00 Solar energy comes from the sun. The photovoltaic business changes solar energy into electricity. China controls most of the business.



Solar energy comes from the sun. The photovoltaic business changes solar energy into electricity. China controls most of the business.

The Chinese media say that China wants to stop the export of components for solar panels. This news is not good for Western countries. They need components from China. The country will still export solar panels.

American and European engineers know how to make solar panels. The business hasn’t fully grown in the West. China has power. The United States and Europe have no factories to make solar components. People need many years to build the factories.


export (to send things to another country for people to buy), 

component (a part of a machine or vehicle), 

West, Western (countries that are west of Asia, usually Europe, the UK, and the US).



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